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The commitment of the Sanz Cid Family to society and the vocation to help the most disadvantaged groups has been a constant in the Dehesa de los Canónigos winery since its creation.

Luis Sanz Busto has always shown special sensitivity towards those who, for one reason or another, do not have access to basic vital resources and that is why he took care that a plate of food was not missing on the table of homes with few resources. Dehesa de los Canónigos has always understood social responsibility as a concept linked to business development, as well as a personal concern.

Their children, Iván and Belén, have consolidated the family’s philosophy of solidarity. Every year, there are several actions aimed at collaborating in improving the day-to-day life of people at risk of exclusion, of childhood, as well as supporting the world of art and sports habits, among other causes.

Dehesa de los Canonigos Wine Auction Godfather of Harvest Special Selection

Since 2011, the Dehesa de los Canónigos harvest has been sponsored by a person who treasures the same values as the Sanz Cid Family. Said Godfather is chosen by the family itself and by the ‘Godfather of Godfathers’, that is, the first to have this representation, the journalist Pepe Ribagorda.

During an emotional act, which takes place during the first days of grape harvesting, the family presents the Godfather with 300 bottles containing a special edition of the Reserva de Dehesa de los Canónigos wine. Once the precise time for refining has passed, the wine is auctioned in a private sale and the funds raised go to the NGO that the Godfather himself chooses. So far, more than 50,000 euros have been raised.

Another of the most relevant projects in which the Sanz Cid Family is involved is the ‘Family Home Benedict Menni’, which was created in 2010 to improve the living conditions of women with mental illness and without resources. Every year a big event is held at the winery’s premises to raise funds for the construction and start-up of a day center and residence in Kazhakuttam, Kerala, of more than 1,800 square meters.

The Spanish Association Against Cancer, the Spanish Red Cross, the Valladolid Food Bank, the Real Valladolid Foundation, the Affin Foundation, the Cascajares Foundation, the Uno Entre Diez Mil Foundation, Cáritas Diocesanas, Inclusport and the Fundación Valores del Fútbol are the various associations, foundations and charities to which Dehesa de los Canónigos allocates around 30,000 euros each year.

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